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Biofuels are becoming the principle technology in the decarbonistation of transport

Biofuels are the principle solution to emission reductions in the Transport sector for decades ahead, Climate Ethanol Alliance highlighted in delivering its message to key stakeholders at COP 23.

Globally, the International Energy Agency reports that biofuels will supply a remarkable 93 percent of global renewable energy consumed in road travel by 2022, even with the addition of more EVs. Over that same period, global biofuel production is expected to increase at least 16 percent.

By 2050, biofuels will deliver 42% of GHG savings in transport according to the International Energy Agency, confirming their position as the principle technology in transport decarbonisation.
The CEO’s of two of the world’s leading transport decarbonisation companies attended the COP 23 conference last week, representing the international ethanol industry. Globally ethanol reduces GHG emissions by 75m tons annually – the equivalent of taking over 12m vehicles off the road each year.

Ethanol Europe Renewables (EERL) operates the largest ethanol biorefinery in Europe and is a partner of UN Climate Change in COP 23. Mark Turley, CEO said: “For COP 23 we initiated the Climate Ethanol Alliance, bringing together leading maize ethanol producers from America and Europe, to demonstrate how our safe climate friendly fuel works in today’s cars.  Ethanol reduces GHG emissions by on average 50% compared to oil.”

Speaking at COP 23, Mark Marquis, CEO of Marquis Energy said: “Marquis Energy is a leading US producer of ethanol.  We are very pleased to support EERL in the Climate Ethanal Alliance.  Many of the world’s developed economies have adopted ethanol as a replacement for fossil fuel in cars. Most of the transport decarbonisation achieved in the past decade has been from ethanol. Ethanol is the leading and lowest cost technology for the urgent task of decarbonising transport.  Energy experts predict that ethanol and other good biofuels will be the dominant technology in reducing transport GHG emissions for decades ahead”.

Climate Ethanol Alliance is represented at COP 23 on Stand E.05 in the Bonn Zone for the duration of the conference.
Members of the Climate Ethanol Alliance include leading European ethanol producers Almagest from Bulgaria and ENVIEN from Slovakia, as well as Growth Energy, a leading US trade association.

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